Our Whole School Safeguarding Culture Evaluation has been developed in partnership with Laura Page from Schools Supported. It draws on best practise advice and guidance to evaluate what it takes to embed a culture of safety for all.
This evaluation includes all the expected areas of compliance including multi-agency working, record keeping, and the role of the DSL, as well as reviewing how successful the school is at serving disadvantaged students and different communities. It also examines how staff at all levels are supported emotionally in dealing with the demands of working in education.
The Whole School Safeguarding Culture review is so clear and comprehensive it is a real must for all schools working towards authentic and excellent Safeguarding culture. It sets out clearly what is needed for values and ethos, governance and processes in school but supports schools to tackle discrimination and promote EDI and anti-racism in a meaningful way.
It is also refreshing to see the voice of the child and the wider community experience being central to this review. It is a useful resource and essential for all schools on their safeguarding improvement journey.
SEND and Inclusion improvement lead, TiLA, Bristol

EMS’s Leadership Evaluation enables all schools to review their culture, climate, and leadership in the context of the key factors that lay behind these schools’ success. Taking an evidence-informed approach, it will elicit powerful next steps for any school on its leadership journey.
Andy Buck, Author, speaker, CEO of Leadership Matters, and creator of the BASIC coaching model.
“Bedford Borough Council has rolled out the EvaluateMySchool SEND evaluation to all of our 70 schools. After trialling EMS through our partnership with Whole Education we were keen to use it to holistically evaluate our SEND provision. EMS is simple to use, and the evaluation enables us to create conversations with staff about SEND provision in our schools and across our local authority”.
Jon Foster, Teaching & Learning SEND Advisor, Bedford Borough Council
EvaluateMySchool has been pivotal at identifying patterns and trends in SEND practice, and recognising where our strengths and areas for development are, which has then fed directly into my SEND strategy. The platform allows easy reporting, recording of conversations, assigning of actions and also the ability to upload evidence. The visual graphics allow quick snapshots into progress made at academy and MAT level, as well as identified groups of schools by phase.
Simon Tanner, National Director of SEND, E-ACT
“I highly recommend EvaluateMySchool. We used the tools to help evaluate and prepare next steps for strategic development ahead of our Ofsted inspection. Evidence of leadership and improvement all in one online space!”.
Maria Constantinou, Headteacher
What I like most about EMS, apart from the ability to personalise the measures, is that it allows me to influence change by providing the resources to analyse evaluation results (comparing them to other schools if I was part of a group), track and annotate progress, and to actively plan improvements – all within the evaluation! This is so much more than an evaluation!
Emma Dibden, Education Specialist – GL Assessment