Our expert education evaluations can help you to deliver school improvement. Whether you are a school, a trust, or a local authority, our platform provides an overview of areas of strengths and what needs development.

Our easy-to-use tool means staff can collaborate to upload evidence, provide commentary and generate reports. By collaborating in one location, this saves staff time and workload, whilst allowing them to quickly evidence their impact and progress made.

For multi-academy trusts and local authorities, EMS provides a way to collate, monitor and compare information across schools. EMS can be used to generate improvement plans, and by identifying areas where improvement is needed, it can be used to identify trends and make strategic decisions around CPD.


Schools and Academies

  • Self-evaluations are quick and easy to complete
  • No instruction manuals, induction or training needed
  • Best practice statements are quality assured by national experts
  • Helps to identify priorities for the school development plan
  • Saves teachers’ time and reduces both paperwork and workload
  • Provides a simple and efficient platform for evidencing impact

Multi-academy Trusts and Local Authorities

  • Collates and aggregates data instantly across groups of schools
  • Provides immediate analysis of strengths and areas for development
  • Supports the identification of schools with best practice
  • Provides a foundation for supporting school to school collaboration
  • Aligns with Government priorities on reducing workload and using technology
  • Evidences impact and highlights progress for individual or groups of schools.

Our clients include